How a coffee cart can elevate your event

barista talking with customer at outside mobile coffee cart

8 years ago, I was hired by a friend to brew coffee at an event in Los Angeles. I was a new barista who had never even seen an espresso machine outside of a cafe. I was serving specialty coffee to event go-ers, and everybody loved it. And as the specialty coffee industry grows, so does this niche of mobile coffee carts that can be setup anywhere.

Adding a mobile coffee cart can add a lot to your event! Here’s why you should consider booking one.

1. Ambiance

A coffee cart adds an elegant and sophisticated ambiance to your event. The inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, adding to the overall sensory experience and setting the tone for a warm and welcoming atmosphere. There’s nothing better than walking into a lobby of a building, hearing the coffee grinder do it jobs and fill the air with the that special aroma.

Additionally, the Silverwings coffee cart looks great in all areas. It’s standard white box with a black top, making it versatile to fit in anywhere. Adding a professional barista behind the bar to wrap it all up makes this a pretty sweet package.

2. Versatility in Beverage Options

Coffee cup at wedding

One of the standout advantages of our mobile coffee cart is its versatility in beverage options. While our main menu focuses on specialty espresso drinks, our menu is customizable and can even craft special drinks for your event. For non-coffee drinkers, we also offer a selection of teas, hot chocolate, and decaf options to ensure that every guest finds a delightful drink to suit their taste preferences.

It also adds a variety of other options for your guests to choose from. While alcohol will still be popular at wedding receptions and parties, adding the options of coffee and teas to your guests gives everyone a beverage you know they’ll enjoy. Some might even try mixing the two, and hey who are we to judge?! Irish coffee anyone? 👀

3. Customization and Personalization

Let’s face it, you want your event to stand out. You want it to have a unique offering. High quality, specialty coffee does just that. But we take it one step further with personalization and customization options. And everyone wants the ability to customize their own offerings to ensure it’s perfect for their space and guests.

For couples on their wedding day, they can choose their names, a design or hashtag to be printed on the cups. For corporate events, we can add their logo to the cart itself or cups. This, inevitably, reinforces brand identity and leaves a lasting impression on your clients and staff. No one will forget that corporate workshop!

4. Enhanced Guest Experience

Our baristas LOVE making coffee and serving drinks to your guests. Our coffee cart offers a unique interactive experience for guests, elevating the overall event experience. Instead of simply receiving a beverage, guests can engage with the barista, watching their coffee being expertly prepared and even learning about coffee brewing techniques. This interactive element fosters a sense of camaraderie and allows guests to bond over their shared enjoyment of quality coffee.

5. Convenience

Finally, having a mobile coffee cart is convenient, for you and your guests. It’s easy to setup and tear down, doesn’t take up too much space and includes the above benefits to make your event standout. Plus, having our coffee cart at your event means that your guests won’t be running late to the main festivities because they ran across the street to Starbucks. See, it makes everyone’s lives easier.

mobile coffee cart outside next to pool at party

At the end of the day, coffee is a beverage that brings everyone closer together. Our baristas love serving each guest in an environment that brings people together. After all, that’s what all these events are for, right?

Have questions about the services we offer? Head to our FAQ and reach out to us! We’re more than happy to answer all your questions.


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